Friday, May 28, 2010

Repeal of Impoundment Restrictions Represents Return of Balance To Budget

This article was originally published by Technorati on 29 May 2010 as a Simply Spirited feature. To see all my Technorati articles, click Lifestyle in the Contents listing on the sidebar.

"Waste not, want not," said Benjamin Franklin, one of the wisest of our Founding Fathers. An equilibrium obtains on every level when we are in spiritual balance. Balance is as necessary collectively, in our government, as it is individually.

Yet waste and budget bloat has become one of the hallmarks of the government Ben Franklin helped create. How did that happen?

One word: Impoundment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Here are a few more pictures from the Arboretum in Lexington, Kentucky, my hometown. (See also Eckhart Tolle Says Flowers are the Enlightenment of Plants for more pictures of the Arboretum). Be sure to click on the pictures to get some incredible resolution.

This is an excerpt from Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose:

"The source of all abundance is not outside you. It is part of who you are. However, start by acknowledging and recognizing abundance without. See the fullness of life all around you. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the display of magnificent flowers outside a florist's shop, biting into a succulent fruit, or getting soaked in an abundance of water falling from the sky. The fullness of life is there at every step. The acknowledgement of that abundance that is all around you awakens the dormant abundance within. Then let it flow out.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eckhart Tolle Says Flowers are the Enlightenment of Plants

I hope you enjoy these pictures from the Arboretum in Lexington, Kentucky, my hometown. It's one of my favorite places. I go there as often as I can. Be sure to click on the pictures for some incredible resolution.

If you read Eckhart Tolle Says Birds are the Enlightenment of the Animal Kingdom you had to know this was coming. Now if only I can find some precious stones laying around I'll have the trifecta.

"Using the word 'enlightenment' in a wider sense than the conventionally accepted one, we could look upon flowers as the enlightenment of plants," Tolle writes in A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

"When you are alert and contemplate a flower, crystal or bird without naming it," says Tolle, "it becomes a window into the formless. There is an inner opening, however slight, into the realm of spirit. This is why these three 'en-lightened' life-forms have played such an important part in the evolution in human consciousness since ancient times."

From the Archives

What's Your Drama?

Ok, I'll go first. My drama has been to allow my pain-body to take over my thinking in the context of a love relationship. No...

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