This article was originally published by Technorati on 06 March 2010.

While this article is meant for women, men should read it too. But please restrain the urge to tweet it to your significant other. Things like that only make them mad, like you're telling them how to think. They hate that.
She'll just have to discover it on her own. The best you can do is to "accidentally" leave it in your laptop's browser (when you politely get up to get your own beer). You know, kind of like when our parents left sex education information strategically "hidden" around the house, knowing we would find it . . . or was that just my family?
I love Brendan's article. It provides great clues to help women decipher men these days, and in many cases he's dealing ever so gently with MMD, or what I like to call Modern Male Disfunction.
For example, Thing 2, "We Are Brutally Honest Because We Care," holds that guys these days can be described by any four-letter word except tact. One might argue that a better remedy than persuading women that this is a virtue might be, oh I don't know, maybe LEARN TACT. But that isn't the male reality that obtains these days.
Thing 3, "You Should Appreciate Our Reliability" urges kudos from women for a guy who "demonstrates his commitment to you by showing up." Most would agree standards have slipped a bit if this is the gold standard.
Thing 6, "Be the Boss in the Bedroom," on the other hand, is universally good advice in and for any age. Brendan is right, we have never enjoyed asking for directions.
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ReplyDeleteSempre utili questi articoli.Secondo me,nozioni sulla psicologia maschile e femminile, dovrebbero essere insegnate già a scuola. Credo che aiuterebbero senz'altro a formare, in futuro, delle relazioni più gratificanti, consapevoli e durature. Lo penso da quando, anni fa, lessi " women are from venus, men are from mars", un ottimo saggio secondo il quale,la "miscomunication" tra i due sessi sembra essere la causa principale della rottura delle relazioni.E' illuminante realizzare quanto spesso l'amore possa essere minato, se non distrutto, dal fraintendere le parole e i gesti dell'altro..E quanto sia importante avere le giuste chiavi di interpretazione del comportamento del nostro partner. Ad ogni modo..aldilà di tutto, è anche vero che molti uomini avrebbero proprio bisogno di "learn tact" ;)...
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