Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Three Views of the Nature of Reality

"Take control of your inner state, 
Change the illusion you create."

Consciously or unconsciously, everyone holds a particular view of the nature of reality. The above aphorism is either compatible with or in conflict with the view of reality that you hold.

If you believe, for example, that we live in a material world governed solely by the cold logic of the law of cause and effect, then the above statement will seem utterly ridiculous to you.

If, however, you choose to view the world as essentially an illusion in which human beings participate in the ongoing creation of a universal illusion, then the above statement will make perfect sense.

Others try to hold on to both of these competing philosophies. Many religious people, for example, believe that the laws of cause an effect obtain generally, but sometimes human beings can entreat a Being who stands apart from the material world to intervene in the material world in such a way that the laws of physics are circumvented.

Due to the very nature of the inquiry into the nature of reality, no one can know for sure which of these views (or any other) is the correct perception of the way things are. That is to say, the nature of reality cannot be demonstrated.

Ah, but this question in and of itself pre-supposes that the material world is at least the most important world there is, because that's where demonstration takes place!

On the other hand, the world of direct experience of reality is where the illusion of materiality gets dismantled . . . for those who see things that way.

As for the religious, they take a "wait and see" approach, so to speak.

Bigotry abounds in all denominations of this question of the nature of reality, but none of them are more caustic than the materialists, who see their "what you see is what you get" worldview not as a faith, not as a philosophy, not as a way of looking at the world that can neither be proven nor disproved, but simple the way it is.

And all the rest is just magical thinking.

You might also like"Magical Thinking" a Slur Against Enlightenment


  1. "Due to the very nature of the inquiry into the nature of reality, no one can know for sure which of these views (or any other) is the correct perception of the way things are. That is to say, the nature of reality cannot be demonstrated"

    Hi Todd,

    Peter Horrill here....

    My immediate thought response to your paragraph above is this:

    In my opinion, and it's a beleif I hold to be true for me; that a person is "serving themself well" to hold perceptions of "reality" that are liberating and reflect "happy being" in the context that we are all "born rich"

    Perceive in a way that EXPANDS the heart and mind, rather than non-expansion, or worse "restriction" Be Free and not a slave to ones own thoughts. Be influence rather than "the influenced"

  2. Thanks, Peter! Yes I would agree. Espouse a view that is beneficial to you.


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